Sunday, November 10, 2013

Dogs put their Trainers through Hoops at Danville Shopping Center

Trained dog and Lana jump through hula hoops

Rescue dog pushes dog behind the wheel in his Smart Car

Dog jumps through hoops and over three audience members

Five trained rescue dogs took center stage at a Dog Circus hosted by the Blackhawk Kids Club, Blackhawk Plaza, Danville.  Lana, the dog trainer, explained how she rescued dogs at shelters and trained them to jump through hoops, catch frisbees, and climb up a ladder and slide down a shoot. There were photo ops and a question and answer session where a five year old asked how long it took to train a frisbee dog.  Celebrity Gems arranges trained dog shows in Danville, Walnut Creek, Sacramento, San Jose, San Francisco, Fremont, and San Mateo.
Dog leaps through the air and catches frisbees

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